Refresh your retention strategy today
And give your ‘employee experience’ a boost.In a candidate-short sector like social care, employers are realising they need to become more focused on the experience of their employees, and the impact it can have on their retention figures.
The last few years have had a profound impact on the way we’re all working. Teams have worked out that hybrid working can succeed, and that we don’t have to ‘meet in person during a meeting. Employers are now considering how to maintain positivity and support worker.
One thing is really clear: improving employee experience helps employers attract talent and retain essential expertise.
With this in mind, we’ve highlighted five points which any employer should consider if they’re aiming for a healthier, happier culture:
1. Be flexible and imaginative
Workers tell us that while pay is important, it is not the only incentive, and this is a trend that gathered pace over the past few years. Work/life balance is at the forefront of many minds and we’re regularly being asked about the flexibility of roles and whether they could be adapted to an applicant’s unique requirements. Looking ahead, the most successful employer/employee relationships will include an element of flexibility, and involve roles that accommodate a valued worker’s specific needs.
2. Review the benefits on offer
Take a holistic view of what you offer your employees. Fortunately, we know money isn’t everything, so think about what you have in your toolkit to entice your people to stay, and become more engaged. What about secondments? They can be a persuasive alternative to resignation and give you, and your staff member the reassurance that the relationship is valued, worthwhile and ongoing.
3. Highlight growth opportunities
The best managers go out of their way to help their team members engage with the work they enjoy most, but it doesn’t always involved a hands-off approach. Creating growth opportunities within an existing role will provide stretch, and allow individuals to take pride in their accomplishments and think about the next step. They will also feel that their potential has been seen and is valued.
4. Track career progression
How many of your employees progress internally? Is your career development programme clear and transparent – and does it actually work? Carrying out a career progression audit will show if people are moving as you think they should. Growing your own talent is cost efficient and rewarding for employees. They’re likely to stay longer, and increase their engagement in current and future roles.
5. Don’t forget to ask why
There’s something liberating about having decided to leave a role. This means that the information you get during an exit interview can be gold dust. It should allow you to assess employee experience and identify opportunities to improve retention and engagement. Better still, why not schedule a ‘stay’ interview? Use this as an opportunity to review what motivated them from the beginning: why did they join in the first place? What were they hoping to achieve? Examining what has changed and what it would take to keep them can be a really valuable exercise.
Equinox consultants understand the challenges the social care sector faces. The quality of provision is as important as ever, but the need to achieve cost efficiencies continues to grow.
We take a holistic, output-led approach that allows us to resolve recruitment issues and workload problems, and provide organisational solutions to increase productivity and create long-lasting, positive change.